Thursday 21 March 2013

Do Breast Enlargement Pills Really Work?

Presently, there have been a number of adverts in the media including the Television about breast enhancement procedures and products including supplements, cream etc. and how to reap its benefits..

The initial question that anyone has regarding these breast enhancement supplements is, Do they actually work as advertised?
The truth about breast enlargement pills  and most of these breast enlargement products is that it normally depends on TWO things to work optimally.

Firstly,  would this product specifically be the right one for yourself? There are several kinds of breast enlargement pills and not every one of them are likely to be appropriate for your body type. The first challenge in choosing a breast enlargement pill is finding one that has ingredients that can work with your body.

Secondly, would you do be able to fulfill your part for the supplement to work accordingly? Some of these pills require more work than others. Bovine Ovary(BO), for example, requires an average body temperature of at  least 98.2 to be potent. You'll first have to work to established that body temperature for BO to work perfectly for you.

Truthfully, when it comes to breast enlargement supplements, there is nothing like a super pill. As a product, it would simply not be effective if it is not suitable for you or if you're not willing to pt in the extra work for it to work optimally for you.

So that you can understand which of the breast augmentation capsules may be right for you, you'll need to know a tad bit more about the 3 principal choices available.

All the natural breast supplements in industry fall under 3 main groups. This might be surprising because you can find hundreds of supplements out there - but essentially, all use primarily only these three ingredients;

The three most utilized active ingredients are:

1. Bovine Ovary (BO) for breast enlargement 

2. Pueraria Mirifica (PM) for breast growth

3. Herbs for breast enlargement

Bovine Ovary, is an animal extract. It's centered on a concept called glandular therapy. The Bovine Ovary works to stimulate your pituitary gland which controls hormones in the body. The stimulus incites something like a second 'puberty' and then the breast growth spurt that comes about in adolescence. This brings about a fuller, firmer breast naturally just like when females develop breast in adolescence.

Bovine Ovary is extremely successful, but only if there is a human body temperature of or above 98.2. Additionally, you must be prepared to take extra protein supplements to provide the body nutrients to manage hormones.

The last two substances -  Pueraria Mirifica and Herbs - are plant ingredients. These ingredients work by delivering phytoestrogens (plant-based estrogens) to the human body with  to help busts enlarge naturally.

Estrogen, as you may already know, is one of the main hormones for breast development. Some natural phytoestrogens are more potent than others, which is the variation in substances which makes one special breast augmentation pill more effective than the other.  As you can see, it all boil down to the type of ingredients in breast enhancement products.

After you have established that a particular breast improvement supplement has the right ingredients (i.e. most potent phytoestrogens), you need to determine  whether phytoestrogen would be the right avenue for you. If you’re currently estrogen dominant, your breast growth will not be helped by phytoestrogens in any way. If you are also sensitive to specific estrogens (estradiol sensitivity, for instance), then Pueraria Mirifica is not for you.

The problem is not whether breast enhancement pills or creams work - but rather, which of these natural products work?  Breast Actives is one of the few that works successfully to enhance the breast naturally.

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